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the rise of plasticity

12x12"  acrylic on bulls eye paper with pencil, red tape and black stick on letters

Plasticity has been used to indicate the ability to change and/or adjust to changing circumstances.  The question is, do we adapt as a result of changes in our external circumstances or in our internal experiences? Piet Mondrian first developed the idea of plasticity (Neo-Plasticism, 1926) in response to social injustices and inequality.  Borrowing from Mondrian, I am also using the idea of the rise of plasticity in my current work.  However, Mondrian used the rectangular plane and primary colors, whereas I use the bull’s eye, the grid, red tape and the color red.  in the rise of plasticity there are opposing dualities that can be viewed Subject [ively] and/or Object [ively] Does this duality relate to how we respond in relationship to the social injustices and inequality? We form our own language based on our experiences.  Let us reflect into the gray area and self liberate from binary thinking… 

Red stimulates


                                       makes us breath faster   or not

© 2020 Glenda F. Hydler. All rights reserved.

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